What is Asset History Sheet Scenario in SAP?
Report Scenario
In order to view all of the different types of asset activity for an asset, or a large number of assets (by company code or class), the asset history sheet allows you to uniquely map any particular transaction type to a specific field in the report. The main benefit of this is that it provides great visibility into the types of transactions that are being performed on the asset. Without this, different types of transactions might be posted to the asset but aggregated into a single figure.
As an example, consider an asset that has many asset transfers occurring where the asset is both the sender and a receiver. The asset received $500 in transfers from another asset and also transfers $300 to a series of other assets.
In the delivered history sheet versions, the values for the transfers field would be a summation of these values to show a net $200 positive transfer. But with a properly configured asset history sheet, you can great structures that highlight the Transfers-In and Transfers-Out values. The same is true if you want to provide more visibility to unique asset transactions such as Write-Ups and Unplanned Depreciation versus regular depreciation.
Report Execution
Menu Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > Fixed Assets > Information System > Reports on Asset Accounting > Notes to Financial Statements > International > Asset History Sheet
Transaction: AR02
Program: RAGITT_ALV01
Selection Values:
- Usual report criteria such as…
- Company Code
- Asset Number
- Asset Class
- Depreciation Area
- Sort version
- Report List Level – This will determine whether the report output will be in a detailed fashion (i.e., list individual asset records) or summarized based on the sort version.
- History Sheet Version – see below for more information

Asset History Sheet
The configuration for this report requires three items:
- Appropriate asset history sheet groups
- Proper mapping of all transaction types to the asset history sheet group
- A properly configured and “complete” asset history sheet version
The Asset History Version is the core of the Asset History Sheet report and determines how the asset accounting transaction data is displayed. Most importantly, it defines the column-and-row structure of the report output and how each type of asset activity (acquisitions, transfers in, transfers out, AUC settlement, etc.) is mapped to the appropriate field in the report. The History Sheet Version is completely customizable for each customer’s purposes.
IMG menu path: Financial Accounting > Asset Accounting > Information System > Asset History Sheet > Define Asset History Versions.
- SAP has supplied standard asset history versions. For the custom asset history version creation, we can copy the existing version & make required changes or create it from scratch.
- Define 4 character asset history version identification code.
- Asset History version can be defined in rows and columns. We can define maximum 8 rows and 10 columns. Row and Column ID is made up of two digit integers. There is a minimum of 1 row and 2 columns (00 and 99) required.
- Typical Column Definition:
- 00 – Values at the start of FY
- 01 to 80 – Transactions during FY
- 99 – Values at the end of FY
- Within each cell of the report you can map the asset history sheet groups to appear. Drilldown in order to maintain this.
Also See: What is General Ledger Planning in SAP?