Output determination in sap sd process

How to Explain Output determination Procedure in SAP SD?

Output determination Transaction code : (NACE T-code)

Output is a form of media from a business to one of its business partners. The possible media forms are printouts, faxes, telexes, e-mails, and EDI. The output can be sent to any of the partners defined in the document. Outputs are usually in the form of order confirmations, delivery notes, invoices, and shipping notifications.

Output determination to maintain 8 activities

A. Sales Activities

B. Sales document’

C. Deliveries

D. Picking lists

E. Shipping units

F. Groups (type of collective processing_

G. Shipments

H. Billing Document

1. Maintain Condition Table

2. Access Sequence

3. Output Type

BA00-Order Confirmation

1. In condition type in general record assign the access sequence

2. Here one can do setting either access sequence should purpose from condition record or customer master records

3. One can set here business partner SP, BP, Ship to party etc. Screen :

Default values

4. Assign Output Types To Partner Functions

Specify a previously defined output type. Specify the allowed partner functions. Define an output medium (for example, printout, telefax, or mail).

5. Maintain Output Determination Procedure

6 Assign output Determination Procedure

Sales order confirmation

1. Maintain output types (Transaction: V/30 or Sales & Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Output -> Output determination -> Output proposal using the condition technique -> Maintain output determination for sales document -> Maintain output types)

1.1. Select and copy BA00 to ZA00

1.2. Access sequence 0003 (Sales org / customer). If one of these is not suitable then you need to maintain condition tables

1.3. Change Transm. Medium to 6 (EDI), partner function SP (Sold to), Time (4 = immediate)

1.4. Check access to conditions and check off multiple issuing

1.5. Save

2. Assign output determination procedure (Transaction V/47 or Sales & Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Output -> Output determination -> Output proposal using the condition technique -> Maintain output determination for sales document -> Assign output determination procedure)

2.1. Create a new entry for ZA00, medium 6, function SP and order confirmation.

3. Maintain output determination procedure (Transaction V/32 or Sales & Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Output -> Output determination -> Output proposal using the condition technique -> Maintain output determination for sales document -> Maintain output determination procedure)

3.1. Check Assign output determination procedures -> Allocate sales document header (Transaction V/43) for the Output procedure being used for order OR and BA00 and you’ll find that it is linked to V10000

3.2. Select V10000 (Transaction v/32) and choose control

3.3. Add a new step for your new output type. Eg. Step 40 (Next Step in sequence), Counter, Type = ZA00 and requirement 22 (Requirement tells when the output is required to be fulfilled. Ie. After order confirmation, after goods issue, …)

4. Create condition records (Menu path: Logistics –

> Sales & Distribution -> Master data. Output -> Sales document – Create)

4.1. If required select the appropriate key combination (in this case the Sales org / customer relationship)

4.2. Enter the customer number (QWM000 in this case) and enter. The rest of the values should be read in except the partner number.

4.3. Enter the required partner number (QWM000 in this case). This is the partner that will be EDI’d the data. It is usefull when you have multiple SAP customers that need to send messages to 1 partner. Eg. All the Wal-Marts send their invoices to 1 office. You would then have a list of customers, relating to each Wal-Mart, pointing to 1 Wal-Mart partner that will receive all the EDI docs.

Advance shipping notification

Similarly the output type was copied from LALE to ZALE and linked to partner QWM000

Based on when a delivery note is created (Transaction V/36)


Similarly the output type was copied from RD00 to ZD00 and linked to partner QWM000

Based on when a delivery goods issue is posted. (Transaction V/42)

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